Thursday, April 17, 2014

Language Arts RTI- A Christmas Carol

A language arts RTIat our school re-wrote the play "A Chistmas Carol". They filmed it in their classroom with the portable green screen.

Math RTI video- Alice in Numberland

For RTI a classroom wrote and filmed a play involving real and rational numbers, because they were struggling with them. They used our broadcasting room with the green screen to create this video.

Veterans Day- Videos for Advisory

This video was created to show at our Middle and High school veterans day program. Each kid had to say what Veterans Day meant to them. We filmed it using the GSMX app and them compiled the videos into movie maker and added music.

Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Yearbook Photos

Our yearbook staff needed more pictures to put on collage pages in our yearbook so we used the greenscreen to take silly pictures of the students during their lunch hour.  The students loved taking pictures with their friends & these made great layouts in the yearbook.


Cinemania is a STLP challenge where you have 48 hours to create a short film using the following criteria. It only took us 3 hours to film, edit, and create a final video because we used the greenscreen.  This would be a great writing activity to use in Language Arts or Social Studies.

Official 2014 Elements:
  • Prop: paper clips
  • Prop: an abundance of sodium chloride
  • Prop: an untied shoe
  • Prop: sunglasses
  • Prop: a crooked picture frame
  • Prop: an animal that people eat
  • Action: posing for a selfie
  • Action: jazz hands (look it up or need be…)
  • Action: a great handshake with multiple steps (a high five sequence)
  • Character: “Grandma” or “Grandpa”
  • Character: Someone with 2 first names (or a last name that can also be a first name)
  • Character: someone/something we hear at least once, but never see on screen
  • Dialogue: “…off the record…”
  • Dialogue: “You’re causing a scene!”
  • Dialogue: “How do you explain this?”

5th Grade Poetry Project

The 5th grade students at our school had to write poems for their language arts class. The teacher wanted to find a way to take the pictures they drew, that corresponded with their poems, and show it while they read their poems at a poetry reading held at our school. She decided to take pictures of their drawings and use the green screen to display their art. We helped them record and publish these videos.

Our Experience at KYSTE

When we precipitaed in the KYSTE conference, we had the oppertunity to teach other teachers in Kentucky about the greenscreen and our experience with it. We set up our homemade greenscreen and the greenscreen we recieved at regionals. The teachers used it and found that is wasn't difficult or hard to use or make. They said they were really impressed with our presentation and they were all eager to try it with their students.  On the ratings and surveys given after the session we received 4/5 stars for our session!

Leader In Me Program- Video for Advisory

Another one of our STLP group's project goes along with the Leader In Me program, which teaches kids how to effectivly use the 7 habits that good leaders should participate in. They created this video to show during an advisory program at our school. They used the Duck Dynasty characters to show how to be proactive.

Curriculum Suggestions for using the Green Screen

These are some suggestions we have for you to use so that it's easier to come up with ideas as to how to use the green sceen to meet the Common Core Standards. We have compiled lists for Arts & Humanities, Language Arts, Math, Science, and Social Studies.

Curriculum Ideas using Green Screen & iPad
Arts & Humantities-
·         Plays
ü  Re-enacting plays
ü  Doing drama
ü  Make the scene more realistic
·         Artwork
ü  To display different artwork
ü  Create your own digital art work
ü  Create your own scene backgrounds for a play
·         Critiques
ü  Have the painting in the background while someone gives a sample critique to make someone better understand how to do one.
·         History of a Painting
ü  Teach a lesson on the history of a painting and its artist while standing in front of his or her paintings.
College & Career Readiness-
·         When I grow up…
ü  Examples/ of peoples future plans
ü  Goals people want to accomplish
ü  Examples of peoples plans
·         Colleges
ü  Colleges people want to go to
ü  Pictures of the colleges
ü  Facts about the college
·         Career
ü  The jobs people want to do
ü  Pictures of the jobs
ü  Background information of that certain career
·         News shows
ü  You can make news shows using the green screen. Using your science skills you can tell about the weather and other things that are going on with our environment.
ü  You can have the forecast for the week and be talking about it on the screen at the same time.
·         Science lessons
ü  You can show different pictures and videos on the things you are studying in your class.
ü  You can also show the different steps on how to do things or how things work
ü  While doing this you can also talk about it on the screen so the students better understand what its about
·         Fractions
ü  Examples/ pictures that can help you better understand fractions.
ü  Draw out different equations.
·         Equations
ü  Examples of how to solve equations
ü  Keep the audience interested in equations
ü  Draw out equations
·         Multiplication
ü  Samples/Examples of questions.
ü  Draw out equations in different perspectives
·         Presentations
ü  How to do equations, multiplication, and etc.
ü  Picture of power point slide in the background to better explain
·         Shapes
ü  Explain what type of shapes
ü   How to measure angles
ü  How to measure the different shapes
Social Studies
·         What does Veteran’s Day mean to me…
ü  This is an activity that can be put in the Veteran’s Day program.
ü  Students describe what Veterans Day means to them while standing in front of a patriotic background.
·         Teach different events in history
ü  Show pictures from this time while describing the event.
ü  Have timelines in the background
·         News Casts
ü  Telling about the government and events that are happening around the world.
ü  Telling about the economy and stock market.
Language Arts:
·         Poetry
ü  Present poetry that you like or have read
ü  Show pictures to help someone better understand the poem
ü  Have poetry talks about the poem
ü  Act out poems
·         Presenting projects
ü  Take a picture of your project and show it up on the green screen so you’re able to point to it and explain it. This will also make it easier to see
ü  Show pictures/videos
ü  Acting out projects/plays. This will make it easier for your audience to see it and you will be able to add more effects on the green screen.
·         Speeches
ü  Show the speech on the screen.
ü  Show pictures or other information about your speech.
ü  Keep the reader more interested in your speech.
·         Reading books
ü  Show each page of the book so the audience can read along
ü  Talk about a certain chapter/page on the screen while having the page on the screen at the same time.
ü  Show extra information/ pictures that go along the book to help them better understand what you/they are reading.
·         Book talks
ü  Act out scenes in the book
ü  Show extra information and cool facts about the book
ü  Talk about a certain chapter/page on the screen while having the page on the screen at the same time.
·         Learning curriculum
ü  You could teach things you are learning in class to keep them more interested like verbs, nouns, vowels etc.
ü  Have pictures/extra information to help the students better understand what your teaching
·         Vocabulary
ü  Have the words on the screen
ü  The definitions of the words
ü  Pictures that relate to the words that help the students understand the vocabulary better.

You can also use the green screen as a fundraiser at a dance or during lunch. You can create props & backgrounds on the ipad.  Students pay $1 to have picture taken then you message the picture to them for them to post on a social network or they can print themselves later.  Easy fundraiser & great use of technology!


The purpose of this blog is to give resources to teachers on how to use a green screen & one ipad to bring a new resources for teaching the core.

 Below is a prezi that explains the steps to using the app "Green Screen Mobile Effects " GSMX.  This app is free but for iphone only!  You can use it on an iPad but you have to look in the free iPhone apps to download it.

We also use an iRig microphone and stand that we purchased through Amazon.  If you do not have a green screen you can also purchase one on amazon that includes lights or just simply paint a wall green like we did!

How to Use GSMX